Yes, the soul and the human make up one being, but they are not the same. They are two forms of the same being. Think water and ice. The same makeup, but still different. You can freeze a container of water, and when it freezes, the ingredients haven’t changed, but it is very different, all the same. The soul has knowledge of all its lifetimes, therefore can benefit and grow from all lifetimes’ learning, but the human usually knows the current lifetime only. Even if it knows of past lifetimes, the experience is not remembered in most cases, that’s different, also. I’m told I’ve been murdered at least twice before in different lifetimes, but I don’t remember it happening, so it doesn’t really bother me. Whatever was learned in past lifetimes, I can’t remember, but my soul does, so I don’t need to relearn those things, and it can plan lifetimes accordingly.
The soul has universal knowledge and plans the life the human lives, but the human lives it, usually without remembering, much less understanding, the life plan in place. The soul can do and know things the human can’t, but it cannot experience a physical life without the human body. So, they are codependent parts that need each other to grow. The same, but bringing different things to the table.
There are lots of times the messages I receive seem convoluted, but I think there are reasons for that. They like us to think for ourselves and figure things out. Evasive? Only in the sense that they want us they fill in our own blanks, rather than be dictated to. Believe me, there have been many times I just wanted them to give me the bottom line. Sometimes I don’t want to figure things out, I just want the answer, or I’m tired of making choices and decisions and want someone to just tell me what I should do (ok, this doesn’t happen a lot, but sometimes …) but I value things more when I figure them out for myself. It’s harder, but more meaningful, when I do the work.