With respect, Jeff, there is nothing loving about persecuting and judging others. Your Bible says we should not judge others, yet this article absolutely did that, not only regarding the authors criticized, but the LGBTQ community. The story of S &G has also been interpreted as a condemnation of rape among other things, so how do you know which is right? Homosexuality was not even a word included in the Bible until the last century, if I’m not mistaken.
I have to question the understanding and interpretation of anyone who can’t see that Jesus’s message centered around love, yet they continues to judge other people for what they determine to be sinful. Judging our own actions and trying to live up to your own beliefs is one thing, but criticizing and judging other for not following YOUR beliefs is wrong. If everyone just lived and let live, the world would really be so much better, and maybe so many people wouldn’t be so judgmental and critical of Christianity.