Why Leaving Abortion Up to the States Doesn’t Work

In Some States, the People do not Have a Voice

Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash

Polling and research clearly show that the majority of people in the country support reproductive rights and the freedom for women to choose what happens to their own bodies. Since the overturning of Roe v Wade, six states have put abortion rights and protections on the ballot, and without exception and despite many politicians trying to circumvent it, all those states have approved those rights and protections.

Trump does a lot of bragging about overturning Roe v. Wade, but he tries to play both sides by saying that all he did was turn that decision back over to the states, where it belongs, so the people can vote on it. On the one hand he boasts about doing the impossible and taking credit for it, and on the other hand, he stops short of saying he’s against abortion. According to him, he’s pro- the people deciding how it should be in their state.

The problem with that is, not all states give that kind of power to the people. The way it generally works is, people who want to put it to a vote start gathering signatures in support of it, and when they reach enough signatures, the issue is put on the ballot, put to a vote by the people. Some states require a simple majority, while others require a higher amount, and that’s come…



Jodie Helm www.asktheangels222.com

4X Top Writer , Archangel channel, Reiki Master, Bridge. I share the messages I receive from my guides here. My only religion is Love. asktheangels222@gmail.com