Whenever the Angels talk about Jesus, the focus is Love. If I was limited to a one word description of Jesus, I also would choose Love. The Love they talk about isn’t emotional love, but elemental Love (capitalized), which is the strongest of elements and used in the creation of all living things.
Jesus and His message has been greatly misunderstood in many ways. He would never turn people away due to how they worshipped or their race or social status they were born into, yet there are churches who condemn others in His name. Perhaps the Angels focus on His Love and acceptance of others in hopes of stressing that and supporting its importance.
You’re correct that we can all turn to Jesus, and He will hear us. I’ve channeled Him, and His Love completely fills me when I do. Every molecule, every single part of me fills with the Love that He brings. It’s a very moving and emotional experience.
How can anyone adequately portray Him? It’s impossible, I think. Whatever, however you perceive Him, the emotions and knowledge He evokes, is what you should focus on, knowing all the while that He loves you unconditionally.
Thanks for the comment. The Archangels speak to me in a way that I can most readily understand, and since Love is a kind of religion to me, in addition to the Love the Angels have for mankind, Love is likely to be at the heart of all of their messages. Blessings to you, Hans.