When I first started writing here, sharing the Angels’ messages, I got my fair share of people who told me I needed to get help, take meds, etc. Most were either self proclaimed Christians or atheists, and some of them were downright ugly. I guess they got tired of harassing me, because I rarely get that anymore. For the most part, that stuff doesn’t bother me, but it can be irritating at times.
I’ve never tried to convince or prove that I’m telling the truth, and it doesn’t matter to me whether or not people believe me. I share the messages, because I want to help and offer hope to people, and considering I have over 5000 followers now, I think that happens. I’m pleasantly surprised the doctor allowed for religious exceptions, as so many don’t, although I don’t consider what I do to be connected with religion. More often, people don’t believe or consider the possibility if they don’t understand it, and I’ve found that some people don’t like for their religious beliefs to be challenged. They take exception to it and feel threatened.
My advice to my readers is always to take what resonates and leave the rest. The messages are always loving, comforting, and hopeful, because the Angels are all of those things. They’re not for everyone, and not everyone is ready to hear them, but none are harmful or shared for any nefarious reasons. There is no hidden agenda.
The Angels say that psychic gifts are on the rise and someday, what I do will be commonplace. In the meantime, I guess I should be grateful they don’t still burn people like me at the stake or automatically throw us into an insane asylum. Even so, it takes courage to “come out” of the psychic closet. It can be very uncomfortable at times, for me and for those around me, especially those who knew me before I channeled. I treasure the friendships I’ve made here, especially with others who use psychic gifts, because there’s an understanding and acceptance to be found by people who “get it.”
Thanks for writing and sharing this. I’m not going to say it’s comforting, but it’s good to know the labels being thrown around. Blessings.