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What Happens If You Don’t Embrace 5D?
The Archangels Answer
The Angels tell us that more and more people are awakening to the new fifth dimension paradigm. They may not realize why they feel different, but they know something has changed. This change is a good thing, and most will embrace it at some point, however, there will be those hold outs who just cannot or will not adjust. Some will be unable to embrace unity, while others will be unable to release their fears. I asked the Angels what would happen to those people who never accept the 5D changes, and their answer follows.
Question: What will happen to those who do not adjust to living in the fifth dimension?
There is no penalty for not accepting the 5D paradigm, although those who hold onto the 3D way of life will not be comfortable, as they will likely be marginalized. Those who will not be able to adjust will also serve a purpose. They will serve as reminders of the old ways of doing things that did not serve well. There are those who hold onto their practiced way of doing things, because it is all they know and they do not want to know about alternatives, whether or not they are an improvement. There are also other reasons people will resist, which we will discuss.