We’re All Getting Upgrades!

A Message from My Soul to All of Us

Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash

When I first began channeling, for the most part, I channeled the Archangels, and I still channel them more than anyone else, but I have expanded somewhat. I’ve been building a relationship with my higher self, my soul, for years, plus over the last year or so, I’ve begun channeling other high Guides. This is where it gets a little weird, I guess, although it all feels pretty natural to me.

All of these beings are loving, helpful, and welcoming, but I guess I’m not as comfortable talking about them and the things they share with me as I am the Archangels. I mean, in the world of “woo-woo,” the Angels seem relatively “normal,” insofar as they are already fairly well-known by others whether through religious or spiritual circles. A lot of the high Guides I channel are not as well known to me or to others, but I’m going to start sharing some of their messages, along with today’s message which is from my higher self.

When I sat down to channel for today’s message, I’d intended to speak with the Angels, but I was guided to channel my soul instead. I often channel my soul, but I don’t think I’ve ever shared the messages I’ve received, because they tend to be more personal in nature. Souls don’t have a gender, but because it’s my soul and I’m a girl, I think of her as feminine, also. She…



Jodie Helm www.asktheangels222.com

4X Top Writer , Archangel channel, Reiki Master, Bridge. I share the messages I receive from my guides here. My only religion is Love. asktheangels222@gmail.com