Very thought provoking, so thanks for that, although there are parts with which I respectfully disagree. Truth is rarely absolute, and it’s very subjective. People can view or read the same thing and interpret it entirely differently, based on their background, knowledge and experience. That doesn’t make their belief a lie, but rather the truth as it pertains to them.
Insofar as religion goes, who’s to say that all gods are not the same God relating to people in a way they can understand? At the base of virtually every world religion is love and kindness to others. If any religion leads someone to lead a life of loving kindness, regardless of what or how they’re inspired, aren’t they living their truth?
Truth is often overturned, and there are many truths that cannot be proven. Life, as well as truth, is rarely so black and white. There are many different paths that lead to truth. Thanks again for making me think. Blessings.