This was a very thoughtful essay, thanks. We all have to make sense of things in our own way. Every time I’ve reevaluated my beliefs, I’ve felt closer to God. I finally let go of the label of Christian when I realized I could give up the religion without giving up Jesus and His teachings.
If you’re not familiar with my work, I channel the Archangels and share their messages, which don’t always agree with the Bible and Christianity. At first, I got a lot of hateful comments condemning me to hell, not because the messages were ever hateful - they’re always hopeful and encouraging- but because they dared to suggest that you should follow your heart over a book written centuries ago.
The Angels say whatever religion inspires a person to live a life of loving kindness is the right religion for that person, regardless of which one it is. Rather than threatening us with judgment and condemnation, they teach that we’re loved unconditionally. I don’t understand how anyone who knows Jesus can believe that He would condemn two thirds of the world population simply because they don’t know Him or worship in a different way. In any case, to each their own. I just wish that the “Christians” that persecute others would give people the same consideration and freedom they wish to enjoy.
Most people struggle with questioning their beliefs. It takes courage. I think it’s great that you were able to come out the other side more comfortable and more confident in your faith. Good for you. Blessings.