This really spoke to me for a couple reasons. My brother-in-law sent me some family pics last week. Most were of family I know, but a few were older and I didn’t know who they were. I wished I knew our connection. My sister, his wife, died nearly two years ago, and any records, pics, etc. from our family he’s sent to me. I’m trying to decide how best to honor that.
Also, I’m in the process of moving to a smaller place, and I’m getting rid of a ton of stuff. I have close to forty journals full of channeled messages. As I packed them in the box to be moved to the new house, I wondered what my kids would do with them when I die. I add to the collection all the time. I’ll have to be sure to tell them I have no problem with whatever they decide. There’s no reason for them to keep them, really, but I will as long as I’m living.
I was sharing with another Medium friend the other day that my most prized possession is my mother’s ring, but I can’t see my kids ever wearing it. It’s weird to think that my greatest treasure will no longer be seen when I leave. Not sure how to be okay with that. Oh the things we think about as we get older!