This person has a gentle soul. Despite having so many reasons to hate, he chooses to love instead. Maybe his education is sorely incomplete, or maybe he has been deceived and lied to, but why would anyone berate him for being anti-hate and anti-racism? Why is his request for acceptance and understanding under attack? Why are people calling him names and abusing him? Where is compassion and kindness?
The effects of Whites in Africa are clearly more evil than good, and there is no excuse for their terrible treatment of the African people. I can understand the hatred and bitterness attached to all of that, but this man isn’t guilty of any of that. If anything, he is a victim who doesn’t understand hatred of any kind. Why attack him? Attack misinformation, miseducation, misunderstanding, and ignorance. Rant against the many injustices of the past, or take the time to clear up these misconceptions, but stop beating up this person for requesting more love in the world and less hate.