This is just my theory, and the Angels won’t likely give me info on your soul. I think your soul is similar to mine in that we don’t incarnate as often as many do, and we incarnate with purpose to help others and raise consciousness. Shirley, you’ve done that your whole life! You’ve said you’ve always been ahead of your time, and i agree! Many of your ideas struggled to succeed, but you introduced them to others and showed them a better way! You’re still inspiring others! I know you’re not as active as you once were, but your legacy is firmly in place, and you continue to influence others, myself included. Helping with The Shift isn’t just channeling Angels or overtly trying to teach people things. It’s also sharing energy and ideas and history and so many other things. You underestimate yourself and your contribution! Love you, dear friend, and I thank you for your bravery and daring to go your own way. ❤️😇❤️