The Rise of Kundalini Energy

Lord Ganesh Offers Guidance

Photo by Mohnish Landge on Unsplash

Okay, I’ve been alluding for some time to channeling other high Guides in addition to the Archangels, and because of some personal changes I’m experiencing, today is the day I’ll begin sharing some of these messages. Let me start with a little background information.

About a year ago, I started having vivid dreams about certain beings, high Guides, and I’d wake up knowing I was supposed to channel them. This happened a couple of times, and then the Archangels guided me to use some oracle cards to select high Guides to channel, so I could get to know them better. This was good timing, as I was planning on beginning a business that included holding spiritual guidance sessions and oracle card reading with clients, and these Guides all committed to helping me during these sessions.

At first, it was just an overall introduction with each one I chose and channeled. Lately, however, this changed again. Not only did I begin receiving channeled messages they wanted me to share with others, but I was asked to select one high Guide every week or two to meet with nightly during meditation for one to two weeks, and they began to apply various energetic upgrades to me, helping me adjust to the energies of the fifth dimension and to evolve using the upgrades they administered. I wrote about it last Friday and…



Jodie Helm

4X Top Writer , Archangel channel, Reiki Master, Bridge. I share the messages I receive from my guides here. My only religion is Love.