That was so well written and absolutely beautiful! I related to it from beginning to end. Unlike you, I wasn’t blessed with psychic gifts growing up (at least not that I was aware of). But recently, I’ve begun to channel the Archangels. My income hasn’t changed but I’m ever so much richer.
I also hesitate to tell people about this awesome gift I’ve discovered, because you’re right, some people are not very accepting of extraordinary things. I asked the Angels how to reason with closed-minded people in a positive way. They told me to continue on my path and leave people like that to them.
You’re also correct that there is so much more to the world than we think. And it’s awesome!!! Traditional religion doesn’t really work for me anymore either (also a former Catholic). Until I can find a church who welcomes everybody and judges (much less condemns) nobody, I think I’ll do my own thing. What’s important to note, at least for me, is that I haven’t Replaced it for the spiritual path I’m on, I’ve added to it and revised it to work for me and what I know is truth.
Lastly, religion and spirituality are very personal in nature. No one way works for everyone, and that’s okay! The trick is to be courageous enough to find what works for you.
Thank you so much for your insight. Even though we’ve never met, I consider you part of my tribe. And you know what? Our tribe is growing! You can tell by the peace, joy, and love we see more and more often.
Blessings to you!