Thank you so much for explaining these truths. There are fanatics in all religions, no more in Islam than Christianity or any other. I used to practice Christianity, although I’ve always respected all religions. I left Christianity because of the mistaken notion that only Christians are saved and go to Heaven. This is not true.
I channel the Archangels, although that may not resonate with some people. I share their messages on Medium and elsewhere. They have stated to me many times that The Creator, as well as the Angels, favor no religion. We are all loved equally and unconditionally. They have confirmed what I’ve always known in my heart; there are many ways to find God. The trick is to find the way that works for you. If your beliefs bring you love, hope, and joy, if it inspires you to be kind to others, you’re on the right track.
Thank you again for helping to put a stop to some of the blatant, harmful ignorance that has led to hate. We’re all connected, we’re all of equal value, and we are all more similar than different. Someday, the majority of people in the world will understand that. So say the Archangels. Blessings to you.