Member-only story
Reconditioning #10: Cooperate!
The Archangels Tell Us to be Leaders, Not Followers
When I was a kid, my dad used to tell me to do my own thinking, not to let others do my thinking for me. He said people who do wrong, want you to join them, so they don’t feel so bad. Misery loves company. That particular lesson kept me from experimenting with drugs and strengthened me to stand my ground and follow my own code.
Have you ever considered what we’ve been taught to believe is the model citizen? What does that look like? Following the rules and laws, supporting the government, cooperating, fighting for freedom, being a team player, etc. I’m not saying those things are all bad, but is being patriotic more important than being a good person? Is doing what you’re told more important than doing what you know is right? I don’t think so.
I asked the Archangels to address this issue, and their response follows.
Question: How do we know when to go with the flow as opposed to fighting the status quo?
You will see many new leaders arise over the next several years, and they will come from a variety of places. They are not likely to be rich or powerful or particularly outstanding at first glance to the…