No problem, Susan. I was raised with Christianity, although my parents weren’t church goers. As an adult, I joined the church of my first husband, Catholicism, mostly because I learned how to pray the rosary and it brought me great peace.
Throughout my life, I’ve felt the presence of who I think of as God, although I didn’t understand or agree with several aspects in Christianity and still don’t. Neither was I comfortable with the idea that only Christians would go to Heaven. After some time, I began looking into different spiritual practices and eventually started channeling the Archangels, and they answered all of my questions. I cannot be part of Christianity, but I still love Yeshua (Jesus) and His mother and have channeled both of them. I eventually realized a few years ago that not being a Christian anymore doesn’t necessarily mean you have to leave everything behind. None of the ones I channel favor any religion. They all say we should find our own way to joy, peace, hope, and love, whatever that way may be, that no one religion is best, and that if we’re inspired to lead a life of kindness towards others, we’re on the right path.
So no, I don’t practice any traditional religion, but I love the Archangels, Yeshua, Jesus, and who I think of as God. I also hold other Ascended Masters in high esteem, such as Buddha, although I don’t know them as well. I asked the Angels once how I should answer when someone asked my religion, and they suggested I say, “I’m a child of God, and my religion is love.” I’m not anti-religion, but there are too many things that I disagree with to practice any religion.
I always invite my readers to take what resonates in my work and leave the rest. Not everyone is ready for it or understands, and that’s okay. I kind of do my own thing, and I respect everyone’s right to do the same.
Hope that clears things up a bit. I’ve tried to fit a lifetime of spiritual growth into a few paragraphs, so if you have more questions, go ahead and ask. Best wishes and blessings.