Jubei, I’m no longer a Christian for many reasons, the biggest being that so many believe only Christians are saved through Gods love. However, I recognize that it works for many good people and brings them closer to their God. There are fanatics in every religion, including Christianity. I’ve been attacked on Medium by many, because I share messages from the Archangels I channel, and according to the Angels, there is no Hell, satan, demons, and there is no favored religion. I’ve also been attacked by atheists who have told me I’m in need of mental health care. It’s funny how two opposites on the spectrum attack the same person.
My point is this: everyone should find what works for them, bringing them peace, joy, love, and hope. That may be one of the many religions out there, prayer, meditation, a walk in nature, or atheism. We all have to make sense of things for ourselves. There’s no one way that works for everyone; we’re too different. What doesn’t help is condemning and attacking others because you disagree with them, whether you’re a Christian, an atheist, a Muslim, or fall under some other label. It’s one thing to respectfully disagree, but any time you lump everyone in any group together, you lose credibility. Absolutes are never true.
There are good and not so good people in every category, whether it be religion, careers, or any other group. As long as someone is kind to others and tries to help where they can, does it really matter what they believe? I know Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Athiests, etc. who are kind and loving people. It’s not up to us to judge and condemn, and someone’s beliefs are just one aspect of a person. A person who attacks another person for what they believe, regardless of what category they fall under, just adds to the problem. If we can’t agree with someone about something, we can just leave them to their beliefs, knowing we walk away with our own beliefs intact. There’s room for everyone to believe what makes sense to them and what doesn’t, without anyone criticizing another.
I’m guessing you’ve seen the downside of Christianity, as many have, including myself. Some people are just scared or ignorant or angry, and their actions reflect these things. It’s not limited to Christianity, it’s everywhere. Obviously, for those people, whatever they believe in isn’t bringing them peace, hope, or joy, and it’s certainly not based on love. I feel sorry for them, and I hope someday, they find those things. I hope the same for you. Blessings to you, Jobei.