JByt, you may be surprised to hear that I don’t consider myself religious. Haven’t attended church in many years, and I don’t believe everything in the Bible, either. My posts are at times anti-religious, especially when it comes to judging others, and I’ve been told I’m going to hell several times by religious people. Luckily, I don’t believe in hell either!
No one has a grip on my mind, except me. I invited the Archangels into my life, and I’ve never been so joyful or at peace. I’m thankful for their messages and want to share their wisdom, love , and light with anyone who cares to listen.
You’re obviously not one who wants to listen, and that’s perfectly okay. No hard feelings at all. In fact, I wish you well, truly, but please don’t tell me about my mind or assume you know what I believe. You’re way off base.
Love and light to you!