Jason, nobody has the right to judge you or anyone else. Religion, faith, spirituality, or lack thereof is a very personal choice. I am a very spiritual person, and I do believe in God, but if you don’t, that’s ok. Who am I to tell you I’m right and you’re wrong? What works for one may not work for another, and you’re right when you say there’s no 100% proof of anything. As long as you’re a good person, I don’t think it matters one way or another. A good person is recognized by actions, not beliefs.
If whatever you believe or don’t believe brings you joy and peace of mind, I’d say it’s working for you. I stopped going to church and traditional religion long ago, and I’m better for it. It sounds like you’re happier now than when you went to church, too. That’s a good thing.
Nobody has the right to push their beliefs on anyone else. Until I find a church that welcomes everyone without judgement, I’ll do my own thing. Just like you’re doing yours! Best wishes to you.