I’ve been a member for about 5 years, I think. There have been so many changes in how they do things just in that short amount of time, it’s hard to keep up. I currently make about a third of the money I used to make here, because they changed so many things. I realize they’re a business, and they need to make money. The last set of major changes regarding how they pay their writers was not only presented as a done deal and took effect overnight, but it was presented as being so much more advantageous and it would be so much better for everyone, yada yada. That was a load of BS. Not only were the changes and reduction in pay implemented without warning, but there was no transparency in how things are handled and never has been. Nobody really knows how things work, and it’s all a guessing game. I don’t really know why nearly all of my stories were promoted for a while or why only one has been promoted since the changes went into effect.
There are other things going on, also, like people’s articles being mysteriously taken off the paywall. The author didn’t take them down, so who did? Transparency and communication are key in order for there to be trust, and Medium lacks both. To present changes as being wonderful and a huge improvement, and then to make a third of the money is not only misleading, it’s dishonest. I’ll stay, at least for the time being, because I have a following of over 5000 readers, and my followers are great, but as far as trusting or believing that the company respects me and considers me a real partner, no. There are many who feel the same way. Best wishes and good luck. I hope you have a better experience than I’ve had.