It’s understandable why people bury their trauma. Who wants to think about bad memories, right? We can lock it away, but it’s still there, waiting to trigger something. Right now, many people are dealing with trauma from long ago, because it’s a good time for healing. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, but there’s a lot of healing energy around us right now, so if you bring it out and allow yourself to see it and feel the emotions attached to it, you can begin to put it aside. No one wants to think about dark memories, much less feel them, but you’re entitled to those feelings. Ask the Archangels for help, and they will help you. One more thing; it’s not about forgiveness. The Angels say if there are people you cannot forgive, it’s ok. When you go back to the soul realms, everything will be understood and forgiven, but you don’t have to deal with that unless you want to. They say to focus on healing and bringing more joy into your life. I don’t believe in coincidences, either. I’m glad the information I shared resonated with you, and I hope you can put your trauma behind you soon. Blessings!