It’s never acceptable to be intolerant of any group, whether religious, racial, or cultural in nature. I’m sorry you were offended. I used to be a Christian, but I don’t practice any religion now, except LOVE. It’s the age old story of ignorance and anger combined with the bad behavior of some that leads to bigotry. I also respect all religions, and I know more good Christian people than bad. I have, however, been on the receiving end of ridicule from many people, mostly Christians, for sharing the messages I channel from the Archangels here, so you’re not at all alone. The difference is, like you it would seem, I don’t retaliate in kind or lump all Christians into the same group because of the bad behavior of some. News coverage usually doesn’t extend to peaceful, kind people, Christian or otherwise. It centers on the outliers who leave a negative example. Live and let live, right? Blessings.