It takes courage to question your faith. I also left Christianity, and I’ve never felt closer to God. The first time I knew something didn’t make sense was when I went to a photo display on Tibetan monks and nuns who were tortured by the Chinese and spent the rest of their lives praying for their torturers, and I thought there’s no way these people are going to hell just because they are not Christians.
I now channel the Archangels and share their messages here. They tell me there is no favored religion where they are, and that they and God love us all unconditionally. They also say everyone has to find their own path. It’s weird when you leave a religion. You have to find your new place so to speak. I asked the Angels what I should say when someone asks me what religion I practice, because I no longer fit in any traditional religion. They said to say I’m a child of God, and my religion is love.
Everyone has to find their own path. I think whatever belief system you have, religious or not, if it brings you peace and inspires loving kindness, you’re on the right track. It’s not what you believe that’s important; it’s what you do with it. Best wishes on your spiritual journey. Blessings.