I’m so glad you shared your two cents! I love conversations like this and I also questioned about visions of Hell, although my question was regarding a particular vision reported by a young girl in Fatima, Portugal. The Archangels answered that, because of the girl’s religious background as well as her safety, the visions given to her by Mary were based on that belief system and given in a way that was relatable to her and the people she witnessed to. If she would’ve announced that there was no Hell, she would’ve gotten in trouble, not to mention loss of credibility. As it was, she was arrested and threatened. They also told me that what she saw, although it looked like the common perception of Hell, was what could happen on Earth if people didn’t do better.
I’ve also wondered if reviewing your life and how you lived it can be it’s own kind of Hell, which kind of ties in with what you said.
In any case, thanks so much for sharing your point of view. I sincerely respect and appreciate it.