I’m not suggesting unborn children are not important. All lives are important whether we’re talking about unborn children or victims of gun violence. So are personal rights. I think of China, who forced so many women to get abortions if they already one child. Many women didn’t want an abortion, but they were forced to do so; their personal right to choose to have a baby was taken away. Women should not be forced to do something they don’t want to do, whether it’s to have a baby or not have a baby. Nobody should be forced based on someone else’s beliefs. The article wasn’t about abortion as much as it’s about the right to choose. Making a woman have an abortion or disallowing her to have an abortion constitutes taking away her choice, and no one should have the right to choose for anyone but themself. I had two babies, and I chose to have them, was blessed with them. That was my choice. It’s not up to me or anyone else to make that choice for another person. That choice should be between her, the father, and their own beliefs.
Thanks for the question. I appreciate having the chance to address it. I’m truly not promoting abortion, but I am pointing out the hypocrisy of fighting for the right to carry guns and fighting against the right to abortion. They both involve ending innocent lives. Blessings.