I think there’s an eventual higher goal for us and our world. My understanding is incomplete, but I’m coming to believe that other other worlds and their inhabitants who are now helping us transition into a higher dimension and find better ways of dealing with things were once where we are now, in transition. I think at some point we will advance to a point where we help other worlds transition as we are doing now, and maybe we’ll be the beings they channel and look to for guidance. I’m not positive of this, but it seems more and more likely as I get more information.
For the time being, we’ve got a long way to go. My understanding is that there will be pockets of people who cling to 3D lifestyles for a long time, but eventually, they’ll become the minority, the odd cluster that’s hard to find, and they will be in the outskirts of society, largely unaccepted. This is not currently the case, but that’s the direction we’re headed.