I think I understand what you’re saying, Kathy, but the difference I see is that I don’t want to force anyone to believe what I believe. Do I think I’m right? Yes. Do I want things my way? Yes. However, if someone disagrees with me, I would never try to force them to do anything they don’t want to do. I wouldn’t even try to pressure them to agree. There are lots of people who don’t believe I channel the Angels, and that’s okay. I’ve always said readers should take whatever resonates and leave the rest.
I have no problem with Christians believing the Bible and following the Ten Commandments. The problem as I see it is trying to force others to do the same, whether they want to, or not, by demanding they be posted in the classroom or denying access to abortion or contraception or trans care or teaching the creation story in a public school classroom without regard to whether or not people disagree with those things. Until we begin to accept differences and adopt a live and let live ideal, we can’t have a peace in the world. As long as someone’s actions don’t harm another, they should not be limited or forced to live by someone else’s beliefs. Blessings to you.