I love this exchange of ideas! So, my understanding is similar to yours in that once we review our life, we usually move up, based on the learning we accomplished while on Earth, or we stay where we were before we went to Earth. I’ve never heard of anyone moving down, because once lessons are learned, they stay with us and don’t have to be relearned.
For me, the human/soul relationship was the most difficult to grasp. I now am connected with my higher self and we work together with the Angels as a team, but initially I had a tough time thinking of us as one entity in two forms. For the longest time it felt like we were two. Plus, I initially felt a bit resentful that the soul planned a life that I had to live without understanding why.
I finally came to realize the connection and oneness we share, and I trust my soul knows what’s best and depends on our connection as much as I do. It took me awhile to feel the unity in purpose. Almost all souls make progress with guides and guardians firmly in place.
So much to learn and understand! Thanks for sharing your ideas. Blessings.