How Can We Come Together?
Guidance from the Archangels
There’s so much separation amongst us, it can be disheartening. People in power like to keep us separated, because we’re less of a threat to them that way. I have no doubt their intent is all about pitting us against each other, so we’ll be too busy to challenge them and their actions. But, how do we start? I asked the Archangels, and below is their answer.
Question: How can we come together, accepting each other’s differences, and work toward positive change?
If you meet someone who you believe is your exact opposite, you would still have more commonalities than differences. Yes, everyone is unique, and differences can be quite obvious, but at the center of it all, people are more alike than they are different.
Everyone has the same basic needs and desires. You need the same things to survive, such as food, water, and shelter. Beyond that, you want safety, acceptance, respect, and connection. You are all beings of light, therefore you are all connected through that light. You only have to realize and accept that fact.
It is ironic that at this time of global accessibility, you are still so far apart from each other. With a few clicks, you can find information and make connections with people all around the world. Why…