Hi William. I don’t think it’s the government’s place to promote any ideology, religious or otherwise. I do think, however, there is a wealth of misinformation about the trans community, though. It’s illegal to sterilize minors in this country for trans purposes or any other reasons. Surgery for trans people isn’t performed on minors in this country, and I believe even adults have to go through intensive counseling before their gender is changed, although I’m not certain what all that involves.
I don’t like extremists on either the right or left sides. I don’t think parents should be kept out of the loop when it comes to providing help to their children, as some left side extremists suggest, and I don’t think politicians on the right side should have the power to overrule medical professionals, organizations, or extensive medical research, along with patients and their parents, when it comes to providing medical care to someone, since medicine, whether regarding trans care, abortion, or anything else, is not their area of expertise.
It’s hard to find the truth these days, but I bet you’ll agree with me that it should be readily available to us, in place of the lies and propaganda that is so easy to find. It’s hard to know who and what to trust, isn’t it? Blessings.