Hi Wayne. I’m not sure what a cosmic Jesus is. I call Him Yeshua, because when I channeled Him, I asked which name He preferred. I can tell you that there is no preferred religion “up there”. Everyone is loved unconditionally. Yeshua never wanted to be worshipped; mostly, He wanted to teach and set a loving example. He was humble when He walked the Earth and remains humble today. People largely got His message wrong.
I’m kind of a strange one in terms of religion. I grew up Christian, but I don’t practice any traditional religion anymore. Although I no longer practice Christianity, I still love Yeshua, His Mother, the Angels, etc. None of them claim a religion, either. I once asked the Archangels how I should answer if someone asked me what religion I am, and they said to say I’m a child of God, and my religion is Love. Sounds kind of hippyish, but it’s fitting for me.
I don’t take the Bible literally, nor do I believe it’s God’s exact words. I think there are probably truths to be found, but whether or not they were inspired by God, I don’t believe the men who put it together didn’t do so without their own agenda in mind. Also, being that I’m bilingual, I know translation is a tricky thing in terms of how it affects comprehension.
In any case, I follow my heart and ask for clarification from the Angels when I need it, then I share what they tell me with others in hopes that it resonates with them. I’ve been attacked by Christians and atheists alike, but that’s okay, as I don’t need their approval. I just want to help whoever I can. In the end, it won’t matter what we do or what we believe, because we’re loved unconditionally. Hope that answers your question. If you have more questions, I’m happy to answer whatever I can. Blessings!