Hi, there. According to my guides, our soul makes our life plan, and the main goal is to learn important life lessons that help us grow spiritually. Some of these lessons are learned through hardships. I think people sometimes do evil things, but I don’t think it’s because they’re born evil. When they’re caught, they pay a price based on the law of the land, but there’s no penalty after life..
There is no punishment or judgment after human death for a couple of reasons. First, if there is an act of violence put into the life plan, all souls involved are in agreement with it, and it serves a higher purpose. As humans, we don’t have the universal knowledge our souls have and we have no memory of the life plan in place, so we often do not understand it, but it’s there. We all have Guardians who protect us from danger which is not part of the life plan, but they do not ever override the life plan in place.
The Archangels were created to help us in different ways while we live on Earth. They help everyone who asks, but they need an invitation to help. They always act in our best interests, although sometimes, what we want and what is best are different things.
I initially struggled with these ideas, as many do, because it didn’t seem right that someone like Hitler would not be punished for their actions, but I’ve been reminded that everything serves a higher purpose that we often don’t understand. Since I trust the Angels and my soul, I’ve come to accept this. This isn’t to say that what people have done is okay or excused, only that it serves a higher purpose we’re not aware of, which makes it hard to accept or understand. Ive written several articles on judgment and punishment and what happens after we die. If you’re interested in more details, you might start there. I hope this helps answer some of your questions. If you have others, please ask. Blessings.