Hi Samuel,
I think change comes after a domino effect of individual change. It takes time, but it’s already begun. When I first started channeling the Archangels, I couldn’t envision the kind of change they spoke of, because people have never thought or acted in terms of what’s best for the collective to the point that they’re the majority and change actually happens. They explained that in the past it could not have happened, but now, with the changes in energetics and dimensions, it is not only possible, but it’s likely.
Based on all the comments and emails I get as well as my own experience, I know more and more people are awakening to new possibilities and noticing things that need to change. It’s going to take time. The changes in question refer to individual changes that will eventually lead to systemic changes brought about by the people, rather than the governmenting bodies in place. I just hope people reach for hope, rather than fear while things happen.
In any case, thank you for the comment. You’re wondering about the same things I did initially. Time will tell the tale. Blessings!