Hi, Judy. I’ve thought about your comment all day. I’ve wrestled with similar questions myself, and I’ve got a few thoughts for you to consider. It’s very hard to see cruelty to others, whatever the source or cause. It hurts me, and I’m guessing it hurts you also, to see people suffering. I don’t think that’s bad theology as much as it’s bad people. Let me be clear; it’s not my job to judge anyone, and I’ve learned that most things serve a purpose, whether I understand what it is, or not.
That’s not to say I give those kinds of people a free pass, accept their actions, much condone them. They should be stopped. There are fanatics in every religion, and people have killed in the name of God forever, but God has nothing to do with it, obviously. That’s just their excuse.
Regarding Yeshua, I know the Bible describes Him acting out of anger, but in my view, His anger was a result of the Love He had for God and the people who were affected by the those He called out. Was He mad at the money changers and the others you mentioned? He probably was, but not because of hate for them, rather for love of others. This is what I know without a doubt: Yeshua is Love. He loved the same people He was angry with; He condemned their actions, but I don’t believe He condemned the perpetrators. According to the Bible, He asked God to forgive the people responsible for His torture and death as He was dying.
The actions Yeshua took against others served a purpose. He took on people and issues that had been acceptable, and He pronounced them unacceptable, and that affected change. Right now, we’re going through more change that will eventually lead to a better world, according to the Archangels I channel. Similarly, things that have been going on and ignored, if not accepted, for decades are being addressed. Think of Black Lives Matter and the Me Too movements. Both address things that have always been problems but have continued. Now people have had enough, and they’re trying to change things. We’re going to see more and more of this.
The Angels say the world is getting better, slowly but surely. They say things will get better because the people will make it happen, rather than the governments. This should become more and more obvious in the next 20-40 yrs, thy estimate.
Aside from the few times Yeshua is cited as being angry, there are so many more times He preached love and forgiveness. That’s why He came here. As far as speaking out against others, friends or otherwise, I remind myself that I’m not supposed to judge, and the Angels remind me that everyone is on their own spiritual path, and when they’re ready and the time is right for them, they’ll learn and grow. In the meantime, I let them be, especially if, like you, I see so many good things in their actions.
I hope this helps address some of your concerns. I know how difficult it is to find a balance between standing up for what you feel is right and remembering to live and let live. I continue to struggle with this at times, but it’s not up to me to tell other people what they should think or believe. It’s my job to love and help others. When I’ve asked for guidance in handling people who are way off track, including those who are mean to me, they say to leave them to the Angels, wish them well, and do not engage in an argument, because it won’t change or solve a thing. I try hard to follow that, although admittedly, it’s not always easy.
Thank you for such a heart felt question and response. Let me know if you need clarification on anything I’ve written. I’ll do my best to answer. If you’d like to email me, you can reach me at asktheangels222@gmail.com. Blessings to you, Judy.