Hi Judge. I’ve actually asked that question in the past and wrote about it somewhere, but I can’t remember the title, although the question had to do with pro-life and pro choice. The Angels say taking a life is never good, whether it’s during wartime, murder, self defense, or abortion, but equally bad is taking away personal choice. They went on to say that there is no judgement and the soul who would’ve been in the body of the child who was not born simply goes back to the soul realms and incarnates at a later time. While the fetus is in the womb, the soul usually stays close to the mother, rather than entering the fetus until close to the end of pregnancy.
As you said, this is a very heated controversy, but for the Angels who love us unconditionally, it is simply another choice some of us have to make, and it is not up to anyone to judge another or to try to force their beliefs and choices on someone else. Further, they point out the need for compassion toward anyone who has to make that choice and the necessity of analyzing why women are put into that position in the first place.
Hope that answers the question. Let me know if you have further questions regarding this or other topics. I’m always happy to help. Blessings.