Hi, John. You raise some good questions. I’ll answer those that I can. Let’s start with AI being soul driven. I suppose whoever designed it could be soul driven, but the computer itself doesn’t have a soul which can direct it further than it’s programming. So, someone could create it with the best of intentions and program it to work in a way that serves others well, but the computer only takes that input and performs based on that, rather than consciousness.
Regarding souls, there are many kinds and levels., for lack of a better word. All souls have a place of origin, created to inhabit their home planet. When a new world is created, a set of souls is also created. After their first life, they can choose to reincarnate on their home planet or elsewhere, assuming a physical life is possible there. So, there are human souls, ET souls, and animal souls. Just as people are given certain gifts, souls also have a variety of gifts and are better suited to do certain things. My soul was geared toward working with the Archangels.
My understanding is that most souls on Earth originated here, and continue to learn and grow each lifetime, growing spiritually as a result. There are also ET souls in human bodies that either come to experience a physical life on Earth and all that includes, or they come to help mankind in some way.
The soul and the physical body are two forms of the same entity, kind of like water and ice, the same, but two forms. The soul plans the lifetime, and the human lives the physical life, but since we have free will, we don’t necessarily follow the plan, and nothing can force us to do so. It’s an interdependent kind of relationship.
As far as Alien technology and transferring a soul into a machine, I can’t say for sure, but based on everything I know from the Angels, I don’t think so, but I’ve never asked. I do know that if a soul leaves a body, the body dies. Plus, living a human life on Earth is considered the best way to learn and grow. We can choose to reincarnate as animals, but that isn’t very conducive to spiritual growth, so it’s not as common a choice, since learning and growing spiritually is the main reason we incarnate. I kind of doubt a machine would lend itself to spiritual growth much either. I’ll have to ask.
I hope that helps. As a former, teacher, I love the idea of waving your hand and wanting to be called on, so ask questions anytime. Blessings.