Hi Edward,
Enlightenment, awakening, spirituality, … they all mean different things to different people. What’s important is what it means to you. Everyone has to find their own way and make sense of things the best they can. There’s no right or wrong way. The trick is to find what makes sense to you and brings you peace of mind. For some, that’s traditional religion, for others it’s meditation, still others develop psychic gifts or connect with high guides, and the list goes on and on. Truth is relative and rarely black and white. I’d say if you’re kind to others as well as yourself, you’re on the right path. Lastly, I don’t think the journey ever ends, really. There’s not a destination called Enlightenment that signals the end. It’s an ongoing process, and you learn and discover new things as you go.
I can only speak for myself, but my spiritual journey has led me to question, evaluate, and change many long held beliefs. It’s hard to do that, but I’m glad I did, because not only do I feel joy, peace, and love for myself, but I’ve been able to help others. By the way, I’ve never charged a single person a dime. I don’t care about being rich and famous. I just want to help as many people as I can along the way, which is why I write on Medium. I never try to push my beliefs on others, and I don’t try to convince anyone that I’m sincere. That’s for them to decide, and I wish them well regardless of what they think of me.
Regardless of where your own path leads you, I wish you the best. Thanks for the article and broaching such a controversial topic.