Hi, Damien, you make some good points, and I do believe there are many in government who would maintain the status quo. I also don’t think it’s right to lump all people who support a political candidate together and degrade them. I always try hard to remember to reach for compassion over anger, even when I strongly disagree with someone, and hope over fear. Having said that, I would add some ideas for your consideration.
The progression of ascension relies on both serving yourself and serving others. If you don’t see and maintain your physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual health, you’re not going to be much good for serving others. Secondly, as consciousness rises, this doesn’t mean you replace your human self with your spiritual self. We are both, and we need to learn to blend the two.
We’re in the process of The Shift, as the Earth moves from the 3rd dimension to the fifth dimension, so we’re all feeling different and navigating all the changes that go with that. The Earth isn’t going to magically transform into a utopia, we’re going to have to do the work ourselves.
I channel the Archangels and share their very hopeful, encouraging messages here on Medium. It’s what I’m mostly known for, however over the last few months, I’ve also published articles with a more political slant, not to attack one side or the other, but to share information and opinions about possible policies and plans. These don’t include Angel messages, as the Angels truly are apolitical. They love all of us equally and unconditionally, and although they’ll sometimes weigh in on the things that are wrong and need to change, they won’t choose sides. They remind us that those who add to the chaos also serve a purpose and should not be persecuted. They’ve pointed out that many actions that cause harm also trigger unity, which is a prerequisite to change.
Having said that, although the government is riddled with problems, including darkness, we can’t just ignore it and hope it somehow fixes itself. We have to fix it. If we are ever going to bring peace on Earth, it’s going to take a lot of work and leadership. The Angels say those leaders are not yet ready to take their places - in other words none of the current rulers who can lead the way to world peace are in position, including those currently running in elections - and they won’t be until there is more unity among the people. That’s where the service to others comes in. When people see others as just as worthy and valuable as they are, when they can see their own faces in the faces of others and are willing to make sacrifices so everyone can live equally and with joy, peace, love, and hope, the big changes will take place. In the meantime, our choices inside and outside politics can help make progress toward that goal.
Casting a vote for the candidate you believe is more likely to lead us in a better direction that serves more people or protects more people is not working for the dark, especially if the intent has no malice aimed toward others. Presenting explanations and information about why you support or do not support someone in politics in hopes that more people will benefit than be harmed is not a low vibrational endeavor. If your intuition tells you to not get involved politically, then by all means, follow it and your heart, but if your intuition tells you to get involved with the intention of helping others, then, again, follow it and your heart. We all have different gifts and purposes. I say this with respect and the best of intentions, truly. Blessings.