Hi, Anthony, love the questions. The way it works for me is I ask a question, and I just hear the answer in my head and write it down. It’s called clairaudience. I don’t see them, I hear them and feel them. It is a form of telepathy.
Taking a look at your questions, I don’t have the answers to all of them and will have to ask, but I can at least hopefully offer some insight. I don’t know the reason for creating everything, but I don’t think it was done for personal gain. According to the Angels, “created in Gods image” refers to us being creators, also. Our biggest creation is what we do with our lives.
Jesus’s purpose for coming to Earth was to teach. Although many of His teachings are misunderstood, that was the reason He came. I’m no longer a Christian, and a lot of the messages I get do not support Christian belief, so I don’t really want to pursue what Christianity says about His purposes or what constitutes a sin. I can tell you, the Angels do not believe anyone’s life was lived in vain.
Many people channel the Archangels, including several others here on Medium. What’s funny is that many of our messages are very similar, although we’ve never met or worked together. It’s always a kick for me when that happens, and it feels like confirmation. The Archangels I channel call themselves the Collective Consciousness of the Archangelic Realm, which I shorten to C-CAR.
The Archangels confirmed my belief that the world’s problems, including atrocities, are man-made, not God’s doing. We were given free will, so God does not step in and control us. It’s the difference between self control and being puppets. For example, There are starving people in a world who has enough food for everyone. It’s a consequence of mankind’s choices that allow things like starvation to occur. Also, according to the Angels, everything happens for a reason and is part of a greater, universal plan.
I’m glad you found my work thought provoking. It’s hard for most people to grasp, much less understand what I do. Feel free to take what resonates and leave the rest. Blessings!