Hi again, Samuel. I think we perceive things differently, and that’s ok. Differences point out things we might have otherwise never thought of. Your responses are very philosophical in nature (my perception), and I’m sure there is truth to what you’ve said. However, I’m not finding any solutions in them in terms of making the world a better place.
I agree that words are powerful as well as confusing, and I’ve learned as a writer, all I can do is speak my truth as I understand it, with good intentions, then release it to others to interpret it for themselves. I can’t control anyone’s interpretation, and I wouldn’t want to. We all interpret everything based on what we know and on our own experiences. The same text can be interpreted in as many ways as there are people who read it. I’m sorry some of the things I’ve written give you a headache. Some of the things you’ve written also give me a headache. Neither of us intended to do that, we just think differently, again, not a bad thing, just different.
We can always just wish each other well, and agree to disagree, although I’m not sure we really do. I think maybe we just view and interpret things differently, but we’re both hoping things everywhere will get better. I can appreciate that idea from anyone, including you. So again, I wish you well and many blessings, and I appreciate that you shared your thoughts with me in a respectful way.