Hey there, Karen. Those Angels are great, right? Such loving energy they offer. I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard time. I know people who’ve not been vaccinated, and despite the fact that my daughter is an ICU nurse who was on the front line, I think vaccination is a personal choice that everyone should have and respect. As a matter of fact, I used it as an example to one of my more conservative readers comparing it to pro choice for abortion in that it’s your body, and it should be your choice. She was open minded enough to see the connection and better understood where I was coming from.
I’ve actually written a couple of articles defending folks who declined the vaccine. I wrote one about COVID itself with a channeled message that included there should be no persecution or judgment of people for making either choice and that we should respect each other’s choices. The other one that came to mind had something to do with playing the devils advocate on several issues defending both sides, including the vaccine. I think there are reasonable concerns about the vaccine. More importantly, I don’t think anyone has the right to take away someone else’s right to choose.
I think the root of most of our problems is fear. A reader chastised me for supporting non-vaxers, because her child had an immune disease of some kind that put him at high risk of COVID. She was angry, mostly because she was afraid. I understand that, too, but I stand by personal choice being the bigger issue.
The Angels never take sides, because they love us all unconditionally. If more of us could just try to understand the opposite side and tried to see past their fear, there wouldn’t be such polarity in the world. More to the point, I wish folks would stop trying to force others to do things they don’t agree with, whether it’s religion, abortion rights, or vaccination. Hopefully, the people who judged you so harshly will someday see things more fairly once they get past the fear factor. In the meantime, hang in there. There are plenty of people who support your decision, as well as the Archangels. Blessings.