Hey there. This doesn’t resonate with everyone, and God knows I’ve been sentenced to hell by enough Christians to know it doesn’t, but I channel the Archangels. They tell me there is no Hell for people and that we are loved unconditionally, here to learn important lessons. As for suicide victims, they state clearly that there is no punishment waiting for them, although their souls are usually disappointed the life was shortened, especially if there was more lessons they wanted to learn.
It took me a long to share that, because I was afraid it could be taken as permission or encouragement. Mostly, though, people were relieved to know the people they love were fine and they’d be reunited eventually. There is a lot the Angels say that contradicts religion, but all of their messages are loving, encouraging, and hopeful, which is why I share them. I’m sorry your mom had such a hard life, and I’m sorry you lost her, but if there was any lingering doubt that she’s ok now, I hope this shuts it down. Blessings.