Hey, Ted. It’s always nice to hear from you. The Angels won’t divulge anything about someone who is still living. They have said the Earth has ascended, because all of the clones and hybrids and their descendants are no longer on Earth, so I don’t think that’s the current case. It does make me wonder about past rulers, murderers, etc., though.
The only ones from the past that I’ve asked about are Rasputin and Hitler. They didn’t say whether or not they were less than human, but they did reveal that Hitler was abused and mentally ill. They in no way excuse his crimes, but they did point out that his crimes served a purpose, that something that happened so long ago is still remembered and considered an atrocity.
As far as Rasputin goes, he didn’t have any supernatural powers, but he was very good at manipulation and very bold. Further, they said his death was greatly exaggerated, that he would have died from being poisoned, but they didn’t wait long enough for that to happen and shot him. When they went back again, he was still alive but dying. The accounts of him jumping up to fight them were greatly exaggerated. The men who killed him were afraid he had mystical powers, so they were impatient to make sure he actually died.
When I have more time, I’ll try to ask about other historical people. Thanks, and blessings.