Hey, Summer. The collective consciousness refers to the group consciousness. Usually, in spiritual circles, it’s talking about world consciousness, although a collective can be any size. I channel a collective of Archangels. There are 222 individual entities, and although I always hear the same single voice, it represents the entire group. When there’s mention of affecting the collective, it’s usually in consideration of a sort of chain reaction that includes the people you affect, the people they go on to affect, and so on, until many are reached when it all started with one person. A simple example would be one person who read one of my articles, who told her two best friend to read it, who told their relatives and friends to read it, … so even though it started with one person, a chain reaction was begun and ended up affecting a lot more people. Makes sense?
If that doesn’t clarify, please let me know, and I’ll try again. Blessings!