Hey, Bobby. I loved this article and saw myself going through many of the realizations you’re going through. When I first started to doubt Christianity, I was afraid to offend God. After much soul searching, I finally left not just church but Christianity in total, because there were too many things I disagreed with, and I didn’t want to worship with people who judged and condemned others who are different than they are.
Having said that, I’ve never felt closer to God or Jesus as I do now. I now channel the Archangels and share their messages here. I’ve been slammed by two groups, atheists and Christians, and the Christians are by far the most hateful. I’ve been condemned to hell more times than I can count. Luckily, I no longer believe in Hell. Neither to I believe the people who left such comments are a fair representation of Christians.
My work doesn’t resonate with everyone, and that’s fine. However, it resonates with many, and a lot of them have left the church and don’t know where to go or what to do now. The Archangels’ messages are all loving and hopeful. They do not favor any religion or people; they love us all unconditionally.
I asked the Angels how I should answer when asked what religion I practice. They suggested answering that I’m a child of God, and my religion is Love. That works for me. Everyone has to find their own way and what makes sense to them. I’ve defended Christians as well as those who’ve been targeted by Christians. It’s not right to judge anyone, and I try not to. Those who judge and condemn others are missing the whole point of Yeshua’s (Jesus’s) message. I found peace when I connected with the Archangels and realized I could give up Christianity and still hold on to Yeshua, God, and Love. I write in hope of sharing the love, hope, joy, and peace I enjoy today. I’ve never liked labels, anyway.
Blessings, Jodie