Hello there. I channel the Archangels and share their messages here on Medium. I’d like to share some things I’ve learned along the way, if you’re interested. The more awakened we become, the more sensitive to energy we become, and the more it can affect us. There have been times I’ve woken up felling anxious and irritable without knowing why. I now understand it was the collective energy around me that I was feeling.
There’s so much chaos in the world right now, and people are scared and upset. That kind of energy can affect us. I make it a point to check in with myself each morning and take stock of my feelings. If I feel energetically heavy, I pinpoint why. If there’s no reason for it, I spend some time in meditation and grounding, and usually feel much better. It’s easier to find balance and restore it when you stay on top of it and deal with it as it comes about, rather than dealing with it when it gets overwhelming.
The Angels say more and more of us are awakening. Unfortunately, a lot of us don’t know why we feel different, and there is very little guidance out there, especially if psychic gifts emerge. Also, we’re in 5D energy now, and that triggers past trauma to resurface, so we can heal from it and become more comfortable in 5D. If you don’t know why this is happening, it can be very scary and unpleasant. The Archangels are always available to us. Anyone can ask them for energies of Love and Light, and they’ll happily give them to you. You can also ask for their protection and guidance. None of us have to be alone. There is also a lot of healing energy around us to help us heal from past trauma. I’ve written articles about how to do that, if you want more information.
I’m so glad things have settled down for you, and I wish you the best of luck moving forward. It sounds like you’re doing amazing things. Blessings!