Great article, Jon. I agree, so many people are looking for answers, and they’re not finding what they need from traditional religions. I was one of those people. I found my answers from within, rather from outside sources using meditation and studying lots of things. The thing with spirituality is there’s no right way to “do it”. Everyone has to figure it out for themselves, and different things work for different people.
All of the people you wrote about fit into the same category as traditionally religious con artists, like priests who prey on and abuse children and other parishioners and those who get wealthy by conning their constituents. There are bad examples in all walks of life.
The spiritual path is lifelong and not always easy or comfortable, but it’s definitely possible without the “con” in front. I’ve found peace, joy, and hope on my path, and I hope your path leads you to the same. Blessings and best wishes!