Great article, and it’s great you’ve found your path. I’ve been interested in Buddhism for decades because of two huge occasions. The first was seeing a photographic display on Tibetan monks and nuns who spent the rest of their lives praying for their Chinese torturers. It solidified to me that you don’t have to be a Christian to be “saved”. The second was when I read a book by the Dalai Lama where he said there are different religions for different people, and you should find the right one for you. No argument that his was the best one or that it would work for others. Just encouragement to find your own path, which I’ve since done. I don’t practice any traditional religion, even though I’m deeply spiritual. I channel the Archangels, and when I asked them what I should answer if someone asked me what religion I practice, they said to say I’m a child of God, and my religion is love. That works for me. I really enjoyed this article, thank you.