First, I’d like to applaud both your article and Lilith’s comment to it as great examples of how we can all respectfully agree to disagree. If we can all practice doing that, without malice, anger, or insult, maybe we can actually understand each other better and learn from each other. Great job! There doesn’t have to be a conclusion of one side being right and the other wrong, a winner and a loser. There’s room for all beliefs.
Secondly, I’d like to add a couple more options to consider. What if it was Yeshua (Jesus) who chose the path He walked rather than God, and he chose to sacrifice Himself for the sake of humanity, rather than God choosing to sacrifice Him? If that was the case, I think it suggests a man who was great and selfless and loving, whether he was resurrected or not. He came to teach, not rule or start a new religion centered on Him. He came to reform and correct human error, misinterpretation, and abuse, not replace a religion and be worshipped. Lastly, what if we didn’t need to be forgiven of our sins, because we’re loved unconditionally? We don’t have to earn love and forgiveness, because unconditional love doesn’t require that. Neither do we have to earn eternal life, as our souls are already eternal.
You won’t find these interpretations and conclusions in the Bible, I assure you, but maybe like me, you’ll find them in your heart. Lilith is understandably bitter after the abuse she suffered from people who molded religion to suit their own purposes and excuse their appalling behavior. You’re a great example of a religious person who is not like that. I think you are on the right track when you encourage deep thinking, soul searching, questioning and analyzing things until we can make sense of them in a constructive way. It’s not likely most churches and their leaders will also encourage this, but the only person who has to be at peace with his or her beliefs is the holder of those beliefs, right? Thanks for the article and obvious respect you showed to someone who has made it clear that they disagree with you on so many things. I have felt that same respect when you and I have different views, although we usually find common ground. I enjoyed this, so thank you.